The Society has changed the method of calculating handicaps from 02.02.24 to very closely follow the R&A format. Full details of how the system works are set out in 1 to 7 below.
The system is most accurate when players have at least 20 scores captured - with the system using the lowest 8 from that 20 to calculate their World Handicap Index - so Members are encouraged to get at least 20 cards captured into the system as soon as possible.
The system is most accurate when players have at least 20 scores captured - with the system using the lowest 8 from that 20 to calculate their World Handicap Index - so Members are encouraged to get at least 20 cards captured into the system as soon as possible.
1. Setting of Handicap Rules
The Committee will review and agree the Society's Handicapping Rules at the beginning of each Season.
Where necessary, changes will be submitted to the Members for approval at the AGM.
However, with the move to the Quinta da Ria Club this Season, the Committee has specifically agreed to change the method of calculation to enable the capturing of results from more than 1 course and closely follow the rules of the R&A as adopted by the Portuguese Golf Federation - with effect from 02.02.24 - i.e. after the February Monthly Stableford. All handicaps will be calculated based on this methodology going forward.
2. Latest Handicap Index and Playing Handicap Schedule
The Society will maintain a model that produces a summary schedule detailing each current SBGS Member's World Playing Index - along with an 11 month history thereof - as well as their Playing Handicap for both Quinta da Ria and Quinta da Cima.
An updated version of the schedule will be posted as soon as possible after each SBGS event and on the Monday before each SBGS event.
Note: As the model/schedule is continually updated, the "As At" date reflects the date of the latest card/s inputted into the system.
Members Playing Handicaps for any event - including the Annual Matchplay - will be as published on the website at 5 pm on the day before the event/match.
Should you have any queries regarding these handicaps, please contact Christian Parn or Robin Moore.
3. Adapted R&A Model for calculating Members Handicap Indexes
The R&A model recalculates a Players Handicap Index after each score is submitted in accordance with the following table:
The R&A model recalculates a Players Handicap Index after each score is submitted in accordance with the following table:
SBGS follow the same format and rules but exclude the following:
Note: SBGS and Quinta da Ria/Cima Club rules require that Playing Handicaps are limited to a maximum of 36, and again the model calculates this accordingly. Members are welcome to use their Maximum World Handicap to calculate their true Playing Handicap for friendly games etc.
4. Eligible Scores
To facilitate these calculations, Members scores from all SBGS events dating back to 01.09.21 have been captured into the model.
The system enables us to capture the scores of rounds played during the month - for example by Members of SBGS - who are members of the Quinta club and play there on a weekly basis.
It is possible to capture scores of rounds played at other courses as well. If you would like to find out whether this is possible for you, please contact Christian Parn.
Where a Member provides an Actual World Handicap Index and this has been inputted, this will over-write the handicap calculated by the model based on submitted scores. See 6 below.
5. New Members
New members will be placed on a temporary handicap for their 1st round, and there handicaps will be calculated in accordance thi the rules thereafter.
6. Members with a Current World Handicap Indexes
At the ongoing discretion of the Secretary, Members may play off these Handicap Indexes - subject to the required Slope and Course Index adjustments to their Course/Playing Handicap.
Where Members are using a Current World Handicap managed at another Club, they must advise of their latest Index on the Monday before any SBGS event that they play.
7. Calculation of Playing Handicaps
The model automatically calculates Members Playing Handicaps for Quita da Ria and Cima.
SBGS and Quinta da Ria/Cima Club rules require that Playing Handicaps are limited to a maximum of 36, and again the model calculates this accordingly.
Members are welcome to use their Maximum World Handicap to calculate their true Playing Handicap for friendly games etc.
- Adjustments - Weather Conditions when Playing and adjustments for Exceptional High Scores - though the Committee reserves the right to adjust for these.
- 9 hole scores.
- Individual scores from 4-ball competitions.
Note: SBGS and Quinta da Ria/Cima Club rules require that Playing Handicaps are limited to a maximum of 36, and again the model calculates this accordingly. Members are welcome to use their Maximum World Handicap to calculate their true Playing Handicap for friendly games etc.
4. Eligible Scores
To facilitate these calculations, Members scores from all SBGS events dating back to 01.09.21 have been captured into the model.
The system enables us to capture the scores of rounds played during the month - for example by Members of SBGS - who are members of the Quinta club and play there on a weekly basis.
It is possible to capture scores of rounds played at other courses as well. If you would like to find out whether this is possible for you, please contact Christian Parn.
Where a Member provides an Actual World Handicap Index and this has been inputted, this will over-write the handicap calculated by the model based on submitted scores. See 6 below.
5. New Members
New members will be placed on a temporary handicap for their 1st round, and there handicaps will be calculated in accordance thi the rules thereafter.
6. Members with a Current World Handicap Indexes
At the ongoing discretion of the Secretary, Members may play off these Handicap Indexes - subject to the required Slope and Course Index adjustments to their Course/Playing Handicap.
Where Members are using a Current World Handicap managed at another Club, they must advise of their latest Index on the Monday before any SBGS event that they play.
7. Calculation of Playing Handicaps
The model automatically calculates Members Playing Handicaps for Quita da Ria and Cima.
SBGS and Quinta da Ria/Cima Club rules require that Playing Handicaps are limited to a maximum of 36, and again the model calculates this accordingly.
Members are welcome to use their Maximum World Handicap to calculate their true Playing Handicap for friendly games etc.